How we conceive and build projects is rooted in a desire to create memorable, tactile experiences for people. The materials that are chosen, the manner with which they are assembled and how they are arranged on a site to promote engagement and interaction are critical factors in all of our work. The material selection and detailing of a project is a primary means of creating a resonant sense of place with the people who inhabit it.

We make places that want to be touched, heard, smelled and felt. The choice of materials can provide opportunities for creating bridges between the past traditions and present technology. Strategic material assemblies can offer links between cultural expression and natural form. Methods of fabrication and finishing can reveal various states of matter within the materials we choose that can play critical roles in the experience of a project site. The shaping of stone, wood, metal, concrete and water can evoke traditional craftsmanship, link to the geologic and natural history of a site and create a sense of human scale and comfort.

We believe that the best landscapes integrate materials, plants and ecology in ways that simultaneously evoke connections to the past while feeling relevant to the contemporary condition.